Sunday, October 4, 2009

8 steps for a mind map

Mind mapping is a simple yet effective tool that allows you to capture the natural flow of your ideas. In this blog, I would like to share a few easy steps that you may follow to create a Mind Map. There are 8 steps which will not only help you organize your ideas but also help make better decisions for the central thought that would symbolize what you have thought about. To put it in simple words, these 8 steps will assist you in moving towards the right direction about an idea.

Here are the 8 steps:
  1. Center First
  2. Lighten Up!
  3. Free Associate
  4. Think Fast
  5. Break Boundaries
  6. Judge Not
  7. Keep Moving
  8. Allow Organization

For more information related to the 8 steps, read the following article: steps for a mind map.

In the coming days, I would like to share some of my experience with using Dr. Raj Bapna and Dr. Anil Bapna's mind power techniques. Happy mind mapping everyone!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How do you react in life?

Some of the times, I tend to become not so friendly to people around me by engaging with unnecessary arguments which is just a waste of energy :-) That's when I started to look for a book or an article that talks how to avoid or control such reactions and I learned there's a principle called 90-10 laid out by none other than the "highly successful" Steven Covey. I just went through a two page article about this in scribd ( and I must say this is certainly very convincing. As a "Mind Blowing Mind Mapper" :-) after going through this article my "mind" started to map similar events that has happened earlier in my life.. Nevertheless, I have decided to start adopting this principle thereby negotiating some stress out of my stressful mind :-) Be in the look out for more interesting blogs and don't forget to control your reactions!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How is your Brain wired?

I'm writing this blog on the 15th of August. Many of you know that it's Indian Independence day but most of you don't know that it's my birthday!

Since it's my birthday and I'm very happy today, I plan to write something about Happiness. According to Deepak Chopra, the constituents of happiness are three fold:
a. Brain Set point (43%)
b. Condition of Living (7 to 8%)
c. Voluntary Action (49 to 50%)

He goes on to say that one must identify his/her limiting beliefs and try to overcome them by having an "Of course I can!" attitude. To id your brain set point, you must ask yourself : "Do I see problems in life or do I see Opportunities?" Having a positive frame of mind will keep your happiness intact. Your condition of Living such as having a posh house, driving a luxury car, having a million dollar work, etc.. is not really important in life. What is MOST important are the voluntary actions that you take! Do you make choices that increase your pleasure? Do you make choices in life that give you fulfillment?

Happiness depends on the daily choices of action. So, keeping the brain set point in the right ballpark & deciding your voluntary actions in life will decide your happiness! Before I start writing information about mind maps, I thought of sharing a youtube link with you.

Please visit It's a video that introduces you to a tool called "Free Mind". I hope you enjoyed reading this. Watch for more details on mind mapping in my next blog!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My first blog as a Blogger

I work for a software development company. I work in the Marketing domain and by default everyone expects me to come up with creative presentations, innovative ideas & the likes. I wonder how I can improve my skills? Whenever I see a great presentation or an advertisement, I immediately get to the mapping mode and start to map the concept to my presentations. In the coming days, I have planned to write more blogs on how to think creatively and how certain tools can help you with this. So, see you soon! Happy blogging!